Our Communications & Fundraising Manager was invited to take part in a virtual panel discussion around ”Women in the Workplace” on 25 August 2020. The webinar was hosted by our partners at Challenge to Change.
Maha was joined by a group of successful Arab female panellists from all over the world! Together, they aimed to deconstruct common traditional narratives about gender in the Arab world.
Hear a quick snippet of what the panellists had to say. Please note the majority of the video is in Arabic.
ما هي اسباب الفجوات المتواجدة بين الجنسين التي تؤثر سلباً على النساء في سوق العمل؟ ما هي الخطوات التي يجب على المؤسسات العامة و الخاصة اتخاذها لتضييق هذه الفجوة و ماذا يمكن للنساء فعله للتمكن من دخول لسوق العمل و الحصول على فرص مماثلة للرجال؟
تم طرح هذه الاسئلة على الضيوف الكرام، و هن سيدات بارزات و ناجحات بمجالاتهن ، خلال الحلقة النقاشية بعنوان: النساء باسواق العمل
خالص الشكر للضيوف الكرام على مشاركتهن القيمة و التي افادت جميع المشاركين بالحلقة النقاشية.
يمكنكم مشاهدة الحلقة النقاشية على الرابط ادنى
https://youtu.be/KxQmrn9D5S0Posted by Challenge to Change on Sunday, 30 August 2020
The panellists discussed the experiences of women in the workplace. They identified the causes of the existing gender gaps and how they negatively affect women in the work place. They also discussed steps public and private organisations can take to narrow this gap.

Panellists included:
- Dina Bseisu, Founder & President of Challenge to Change
- Brigitte Khair-Mountain, Founder and CEO of Gigthree Ltd
- Suha Sbouh, Board Member of Rondine International Peace Lab
- Hanane Benkhallouk, Executive Director of Sustain Leadership
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