Graduation 2022 - Galilee Foundation

Graduation 2022

On the first of this month, the 15th cohort of Galilee scholarship students, officially graduated from their respective Universities, in a ceremony full of music, speeches and unsurmountable pride.

Ninety students gathered in the courtyard of the Arab Culture Centre building in Haifa, to mark the end of four long years of study, sacrifice and growth through learning.

The graduation ceremony concludes an important stage in the lives of our students, one where they learned so much about the identity, culture and language so often denied to them during much of their formative years. As well as learning about heritage, the students have benefited hugely from years of academic workshops, designed to equip them with the skills and nouse, needed to carve out successful careers in the workplace.

We are so proud of everything our students have achieved. Against a backdrop of political and civil unrest and the twin tragedies of covid and global price hikes, our students persevered and endeavoured to graduate with their valuable degrees.

More than ever we want to acknowledge that none of this would have been possible without our donors in the U.K and further a field, who have fundraised, donated and supported us, so we can finance these scholarships, that allow under privileged Palestinian students to get their degrees, so they can be the change-makers, their communities so desperately need.

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