Phil Lancaster is running the Devil of the Highlands Footrace for Palestinian education - Galilee Foundation

Phil Lancaster is running the Devil of the Highlands Footrace for Palestinian education

Our amazing, courageous and most stalwart of supporters, Phil Lancaster, the hero of Hadrian’s wall and the South Down’s Way challenges is going to run the Devil of the Highlands on Saturday 10th August 2024 to fundraise for our education projects.

He’ll be up before the crack of dawn because the race starts at 6 am and he will have 12 hours to complete the 42 mile point-to-point ultramarathon along the West Highland Way trail through the highlands of Scotland from Tyndrum to Fort William.

Before you say that’s child’s play to someone who ran a double ultramarathon over a weekend and completed the South Down’s way run inside 30 hours, remember most of you reading this couldn’t do it, and the Devil O’ the Highlands isn’t called a “devil” on a whim.

The total Ascent is 6500ft / 1981 m, it’s 95% trail and only 5% road. That’s a lot of running and climbing to get your free home-made soup, hot food and drinks at the finish.

Please support Phil in this courageous endeavour to make a difference to the life of young, talented and disadvantaged Palestinians by giving them a chance to complete higher education and lift themselves, their family and their community out of marginalisation and poverty.

You can make a donation here

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